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How to Celebrate CMAD

January 18, 2022
May 3, 2024

Community Manager Appreciation Day (CMAD) is an annual celebration in the community industry. It is an opportunity for everyone in the industry to take a step back and truly appreciate the incredible work community builders do everyday. CMAD is on January 24, 2022. While CMX did not create CMAD, we do one heck of a job celebrating it!Some of what's happening on CMAD this year:

  • The CMAD Pledge - companies are giving their community team a paid professional day to attend an event, take a course, or meet with peers
  • HUGE CMX Academy Discounts - take 75% off all CMX Academy courses (code announced on CMAD)
  • The LIVE Community Industry Awards Ceremony - come celebrate the achievements in the industry and watch this year's winners get their crowns

While Community Manager Appreciation Day is a day for everybody in and around the industry to celebrate, sometimes CMAD can feel like this:

So if you are an executive, or a manager of a community team, and you don't know what to post on CMAD, have no fear! We're here to help.

What to Post on CMAD

A little bit of recognition goes a long way, and sometimes the simplest forms can mean the most. On January 24, publicly recognizing your team for the tremendous work they do might mean the world. Jenny Weigle, owner of Jenny.Community, longtime CMX’er, and CMX Connect Host, shares the perfect Community Manager Appreciation Day social media post templates.

If you have one community professional on your team:

Text to copy/paste: Today, on Community Management Appreciation Day, I'm proud to recognize the great achievements of our community manager, <tag the person's name here>! Our community is a valued and essential digital space for our customers, and it's a critical part of our business. It takes a special skill set to manage and run this space, and I want to thank <insert Community Manager's first name> for everything he/she/they does to nurture and serve our members. Please join me in wishing him/her/them a Happy Community Management Appreciation Day!Optional text to add to above, only pertains to public communities: If you'd like to experience our community first-hand, please visit: <insert URL>.Hashtags: For the greatest reach on LinkedIn, you may add hashtags that are particular to your industry, or you may use some of these which are popular in the Community field: #CMAD2022 #community #communitymanagementImage: If possible, add a picture/headshot of the CM, or perhaps a screenshot of the community home page.

If you have a community team with multiple community professionals:

Text to copy/paste: Today, on Community Management Appreciation Day, I'm proud to recognize the great achievements of our community team: <tag each person's name here>! Our community is a valued and essential digital space for our customers, and it's a critical part of our business. It takes a special skill set to manage and run this space, and I want to thank this team for everything they do to nurture and serve our members. Please join me in wishing them a Happy Community Management Appreciation Day!Optional text to add to above, only pertains to public communities: If you'd like to experience our community first-hand, please visit: <insert URL>.Hashtags: For the greatest reach on LinkedIn, you may add hashtags that are particular to your industry, or you may use some of these which are popular in the Community field: #CMAD2022 #community #communitymanagementImage: If possible, add a picture/headshot of the community team, or perhaps a screenshot of the community home page.

Want to give your team something they can unwrap?

Community Manager Appreciation Day Gifts

We recently polled the CMX Community for some of their favourite gift ideas. Here are a few:

  • Apple anything
  • Access to a suite of tools/trainings/libraries
  • Any or all of the books on our reading list
  • Spa day self care, mental break
  • A yearly subscription to something they are interested in (eg. monthly coffee or craft beer packages)
  • Put together a box of treats and mail it to them

Dance the Day Away!

Everyone is invited to the biggest CMAD party in the industry - the Live Community Industry Awards Ceremony. Not only will we be announcing the winners of the 2022 Community Industry Awards, but we've invited CMX's favourite DJ to give us the biggest CMAD dance party on the internet! You won't want to miss it!RSVP for the Live Community Industry Awards Ceremony!

January 18, 2022
May 3, 2024

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