Tomorrow we're hosting CMX Summit NYC.
Hundreds of community professionals, CEO's, product managers, designers, organizers, and event managers will gather to learn how to improve their business' community strategies.
If you're not going to be at the event, don't worry, you can still watch the whole thing for free on the CMX Livestream (click to RSVP) provided by BrightTalk.
I wanted to take a second to share a bit about why we livestream the event for free and why we make all the videos available for free afterward.
The CMX Mission
Part of CMX's mission is to help community professionals be better at what they do, validate what they do and build stronger communities.
The other part is to help companies and their leadership teams to see the value in community, see the caliber of professionals who are working on this stuff, and create opportunities for community roles to exist within their organizations.
So by making CMX content as widely available as possible, we hope to create better community professionals and more legitimate community roles for those professionals to take on.
So please, join us online and share the livestream with your friends who might learn a thing or two about community strategy.
Talks start at 9:30am ET tomorrow, beginning with the amazing entrepreneur and speaker, Tina Roth Eisenberg. You don't want to miss it. We'll see you there.
Still want to make it to CMX Summit? Win a free ticket!
We partnered with CMMeetup to send some people to CMX Summit.
Just tweet why you want to go to CMX Summit with the hashtag #cmxsummit, then look for a response from us if you win.
We're giving away free tickets all day on twitter so go nuts. Bonus points for videos or pictures...or poems.
BIG shout out to CMX Summit sponsors for making this event happen...
All CMX sponsors are here because they genuinely care about improving the community industry which is why they decided to support CMX Summit and our mission.Please take a minute to check out their platforms and learn how they can help you and your business.
Feastly - Building communities over dinner? This is the platform for you.
Brighttalk - Huge amount of online training and education to make you better at your job.
Tidal Labs - Have a community? Want them to contribute content on your website? Want that content to look beautiful? Try Tidal.
Jive - One of the most robust customer community platforms on the web.
SocialChorus - the leading advocate marketing solution for bands people love.
MRY - A creative and technology agency that truly gets community. Trust us.
General Assembly - Changing the way professionals learn with offline courses all over the world.
Sprout Social - If you work on social media platforms, do yourself a favor and try this product out.NearWoo - Building a local community? Nearwoo focuses on local, mobile advertising to reach people nearby.
Oreilly - The media brand that needs no introduction, they've been the go-to resource for content, conferences, books and research since 1978.